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Gigantic pharma valley of Changchun is flourishing


The northeastern part of Beihu Science and Technology Development Zone is now an emerging biopharma cluster of Changchun. The building up of the pharma valley is a government-led effort, which will finally lead to a birth of gigantic industrial cluster of biopharma by market-based operation and multi-stakeholders’ participation. The Valley is 20 km away from Longjia Airport and adjacent to Changchun International Land Port, and within the reach of Rail Transit Line 8.  



The valley is made up of “One Port, One Town, One Park”.


One Port – Future Medical Port. The 5.4 sq. km sized port will be the core of the pharma valley in its southwestern part. The port will align its development with national strategies and focus on biopharma and modernization of traditional Chinese medicine in such field as opportunities arise from reform of medical equipment evaluation system, new drug development,  medical use of new tech. It will be home to national medicinal materials trading center, traditional Chinese medicine cultural center, virtual world study center.

One Town- Entrepreneurship & Innovation Town. The town, with a community in its northern part as its core, covers 5 sq. km in northwestern` pharma valley and provides a livable environment for talents who start businesses. The town will focus on high end medical equipment and pharmaceutical logistics and seek international and regional cooperation.

One Park - Green and Smart Chemical Park. With the fine chemicals and new materials industrial park as its core, and adhering to the concept of smart and green park, the 8 sq. km park in eastern valley will be home to entities and organizations providing public and administrative service, and a center for converting research findings. The park will be specialized in production of chemical drugs including drug substance, drug product, specialty chemicals, and synthetic materials for better support the growth of the pharma valley.

The New Area government accelerates its efforts in projects settling in including the 2.3 bn Yuan pharma park of GeneScience, 2.3 bn Yuan vaccine plant of Ruizhou Biotech, restructuring of new drug plant of CCHN, and health care drug plant of Wuxing, 1.9 bn Yuan vaccine park of Biotech. So far, the civil construction of 18 major pharma projects disrupted due to Covid-19 has restarted. In particular, the construction of 560 M Yuan vaccine plant of Feifan, and 1.38 bn Yuan antibody plant of Alvotech-CCHN have completed, and interior decoration and equipment commission are well under way now.

As a project that gives edge in industry competition, New Area government steps up its support for construction of 19.6 bn Yuan fine chemicals park, which will be a new material production base. Eight infrastructure projects with total investment amount to 2 bn Yuan have been fully started this year. The local government aims at turnkey delivery projects of chemical drugs and new applied materials while adhering to the principle of sustainable, energy-saving, low-carbon and high tech. The civil construction of 466M Yuan industrial park of Changyu Special Ceramics has been completed, and the internal decoration and equipment installation are under way.

It is the local government's expectation that more entrepreneurs and people from all walks of life will continue to follow and support Changchun New Area, and participate in the development and building up of medical and health industry and pharma valley, and share new opportunities for development.

Looking ahead, a pharma valley that secure sustainable development and expand its presence and influence from Jilin to northeastern China and northeastern Asia is rising fast, and inject vitality to high-quality development of New Area and the all-round revitalization of Jilin.

Born with multiple missions like “innovative economic development demonstration zone", "key engine for a new round of northeast revitalization", "important platform for Tumen River cooperation and development", and "pilot area for system and mechanism reform", Changchun New Area is the 17th national level new area approved by the State Council. The New Area has jurisdiction over Changchun National High-tech Industrial Development Zone, Changchun Beihu Science and Technology Development Zone, and Changchun National Airport Economic Demonstration Zone. It shoulders the major responsibility of comprehensively implementing the high-quality development strategy of "one main task and six double tasks" in Jilin Province, and the strategic deployment of "six cities linkage" in Changchun City to "lead the way". Adhering to the spirit of "endeavor, innovation, integrity and transcendence", Changchun New Area is making strides towards the goal of a modern new area that is innovative, open, efficient, dynamic, and comprehensive prosperous.

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